Descent of Christ: An Esoteric Journey Through the Old Testament
CourseDiscover the esoteric knowledge woven into the dramatic stories of figures from the Old Testament, like Alexander the Great, Herod, John the Baptist, Jesus and the disciples.
Term 1 Esoteric Old Testament Lectures
CourseAn esoteric journey through the Old Testament from humanity’s first beginnings to the birth of Christ. Term 1: From cosmic beginnings when spiritual powers worked on humanity, to the dawning of individual consciousness and sense of self.
Term 1 Esoteric Old Testament ART
CourseTerm 1 Art Experience
Term 2 Esoteric Old Testament Lectures
CourseAn esoteric journey through the Old Testament from humanity’s first beginnings to the birth of Christ. Trials, tribulations and battles. The Israelites carry our development forward toward the enlightened humanity of King David.
Term 2 Esoteric Old Testament ART
CourseTerm 2 Art Experience
Term 3 Esoteric Old Testament Lectures
CourseThe age of the First Kings; Saul, David and Solomon. The twelve tribes are united and Israel becomes great. After Solomon the kingdom breaks up and the two remaining tribes are guided by the great prophets.